Thursday, April 24, 2014

Music And Lyrics :D

I listened to a song today called Love Is Endless by MoZella and searched for the lyrics,then fell in love with it (smiley face). I've been listening to a lot of blues, alternative rock, soul, ballad, and alternative pop genres. I know those genres may sound boring but I find them meaningful and understandable. I know all songs have meanings but sometimes you can't really understand it since it isn't direct ( or maybe that person was mumbling ).  So every time I hear a song that I like because of the beat, I would go to Youtube or maybe just Google it to hear the song again and find the lyrics. If I don't like or understand, or maybe both,  the meaning, I don't sing it but when that song pops out of my mind. I'll just simply hum the tune or sing in a "minion" way, like Despicable Me! since I don't say such things :P These are some lists of things I do when I listen to music.

When listening from the radio:♫
1. Me: (singing) ♫ Because I'm HAPPY! ♫ (song finishes then advertisement comes) ♫
    Me: (change station) ♫

2. Me: (listening close to the radio, almost as if my left ear was stuck on the speaker, waiting for the chorus to know the title of the song) ♫

3. Still me: (hearing my favorite song on the radio) Turn the volume up! Please! (starts dancing and singing)♫

Yup! Those are three things that often do when listening to the radio. I plan on doing a list of things I do  when I listen from the playlist too, but the only thing I could write was....

When listening from the playlist:
1. I press SKIP to that song very often, but never delete it. ♫

So that's all, I can write for now. I do hope you enjoyed reading this, and more posts will be coming soon.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Dare To Dream?

Are you a dreamer??? I ask myself the same question too and yes, I am a dreamer. Sometimes it's a waste of precious time but sometimes it's worth your time. It sounds silly but it's true. Dreaming is something that makes your life more exciting and fun. It helps you find your future plan and gives you ideas on what you want in life. I've started dreaming and thinking more about my life and how my life would change other's lives when I became a teenager. Being a dreamer was a new season for my life. The word "dream" is reminder for me of God and Joseph the Dreamer. Joseph is one of my favorite Bible characters and his story is truly amazing. I love the way how God communicated to Joseph in his dreams. Joseph had half brothers who were jealous of his God-given gift. His brothers were so jealous of him that they bullied Joseph and sold him to a merchant. Sounds hurtful right? Joseph was really hurt but still he didn't quit using the gift that God had given him. Joseph had a lot of problems in life but since he had faith in the Lord and he loved Him, Joseph became a huge help to the people in his country. Can you believe it? One small talent/gift can help change the country or the world. If you're a dreamer like Joseph, go ahead, dream away :-) But I'm not just saying that dreaming can ONLY change the world, but you're hidden abilities and talents can. So put your elbows on the table with your cheeks resting on your hands and I dare you to dream...
If you want to know more about the story of Joseph , here's a link: Joseph The Dreamer

Back to Blogging!

Hello... I think some of you might remember me, if you know about the old website of mine. It's been a long time since I've posted about my crazy and exciting experiences, but now I'm back and I feel much more excited about posting new ones :D When I was nine or maybe younger I loved literature that's why I got into blogging. Then, gadgets became a hit. I stopped. But now I'm back! YAY! Sweet Life , which is the name of my old blog, was about the lessons I've learned from when I was a just a kid and also about my great adventures with my family and friends. Now that was my "blurb" for my old blog. "A Dreamer's Journal" is also going to be like my other blog but I'm going to try recreating it in a teenage kind of way. My goal for this blog is that I'll be more active and maybe my stories could change one's life.